At the sea with the dog: some tips to avoid problems

The dog also needs special attention on the beach. Here are some important tips to protect it and prevent any discomfort
Summer has arrived and for many it is time to relax by the sea, under the sun on a comfortable deck chair or in the shade under the beach umbrella, and maybe in the company of your four-legged friend.
But beware! If you take your dog with you and you want the day at sea to be perfect, you must be provident and pay attention to everything that is necessary to protect it from the sun’s rays, excessive heat and any irritation caused by salt.
Who thinks that the dog does not have specific needs when it is taken to the sea, is wrong.
But don’t worry, here are some tips that we suggest you follow if you want to have fun on the beach with your furry friend in complete safety.
When and at what time to bring the dog to the sea
As for us and for children, even for our dog it would be better to avoid going to the sea in the hottest hours, that is, in the time slot from 11:00 to 16:00 approximately.
During these hours the sand can get very hot and our furry ones could easily burn their fingertips and have difficulty walking.
In addition, during this time, the temperature is often very high.
As experts advise, if the days are too hot or sultry it is better to avoid taking the dog to the sea.
Do it only if it is a windy day or in the less warm hours of the morning or in the late afternoon.
A beach bag for the dog
Yes, even for the dog you need a beach bag for him, inside which to insert the indispensable items that could serve him.
First a bowl and some food (if you plan to stay on the beach for a long time) and essential and indispensable thing a bottle of fresh water.
Always remember that the heat of the sun along with the sand and seawater can make the dog thirstier than usual. So always bring plenty of water and a portable bowl with food.
Put a towel in your beach bag for two specific reasons.
The first to dry the dog after bathing so that it avoids splashing when he shakes the water from the fur and disturbs the neighbours.
The second to keep it cool if you do not want to swim: in that case, dip the towel in the sea and put it on the dog for immediate refreshment.
Watch out for the sun and sea water
If you don’t go to an equipped beach but go to a free beach, it is better to bring a beach umbrella. It is vital because it allows the dog to shelter from the sun’s rays.
Then try to avoid, as much as possible, that the dog drinks seawater because it can cause stomach problems and dehydration. For this reason, it is also important to keep a bowl of fresh water close that discourages him from drinking seawater.
Finally, always keep an eye on the dog while bathing: the currents and tides could put a strain on his swimming abilities.
Protection from the sun’s rays
In order not to cause discomfort on the beach to our four-legged friends, however, only the shade is not enough.
Dogs with light and thin hair or with areas of skin exposed to light are more likely to burn, which may increase the likelihood of skin cancer. Therefore, don’t forget to include a special sunscreen for your dog in your beach bag.
The most vulnerable areas of the body and therefore to protect, are the ears, the nose, the belly and the groin.
If your furry friend instead has a long and delicate coat, which becomes easily frizzy, and even more so with sea water, we advise you once back home to give him a nice bath using one of the products of our LINE of shampoos and conditioners that allow to recover the softness and shine of the hair. But for any type of coat and needs, you can select our other lines of eco cosmetics.
In any case, once back from the sea, it is always good to wash your faithful friend to eliminate salt and any residue of dirt taken on the beach.